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Stephen  C  Norton


BOOKS    -    Hardcover,  Softcover and e-Book versions

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 Coming in summer 2025  -  A new AIC book, currently in progress


Stand Alone Novels
 The Gospel of Enlil  Creation and Exodus

Traditional holy books always begin with the creation of the universe, but the real story begins long before our universe was created. It begins in a different universe entirely. There, Enlil and Nammu were not gods, they were scientists, exploring other dimensions, seeking to create a bridge to new and different universes. But when their universe began to Shatter, their quest became a desperate search for an escape.

This is the true tale of Enlil, of how the universe actually came into existence, why life exists all through this universe and why all life is related. It tells of the real Exodus, how Enlil and Asherah had seventy-seven children, where the gods of Earth come from and where they disappeared to. It tells us who were are and where we came from. It tells us what and who we will find when we eventually reach for the stars.

This then is the true story from which all our holy books drew from.

Welcome to my new book The Gospel of Enlil.  (2024)This novel records the actual events from novella The Bool of Enlil (below)

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover                             Paperback                                    
                                                 eBook:               Kindle                 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Dark Shepherd - the novel

When Kellen is sent to Iraq as part of the Bush / Major War on Terror, he immediately finds himself in constant firefights with insurgents and mujahedeen. Shot in the arm on his first sortie, he finds himself gradually developing a unique ability. By the end of his fifth gun-battle he finds he is bullet-proof. He’s thrilled at his new ability, until the CIA discover it and try to force him to join a black ops team of assassins. Bullet-proof is one thing, but when a suicide bomber sets off a massive explosion bare feet away, Kellen is killed, leaving behind his wife and child.

Already grief-stricken after losing her husband to the war, Anna is devastated when her child is hit by a motorcycle rider. Now her child lies in a coma, while the rider is unknown and running free. Anna searches for months, and finds nothing. No clues, no hope. Seeking some relief from her misery, she visits her aunt in the country. There she finds some peace, and then she finds the rider. Now she has a chance for justice, and she has Kellen’s gun. But at the last minute an ominous figure steps between her and the rider, seemingly protecting him. Who is this Dark Shepherd, and why does he deny her vengeance?

Welcome to my new book Dark Shepherd.  (2022)This is the full length novel based on the short story, which is available below

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover                             Paperback                                    
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The AIC Universe - Science Fiction Series    (newest to oldest)
 A Whisp of Memory

You awaken one morning and remember nothing. Not your name, not who you are, not where you are, nothing at all. But you’ve awoken in a bedroom which is yours, in a large house which you apparently own. You have several servants in your employee, but you don’t speak their language, nor read their written words. But you do possess one unique skill. If you hold a lump of coal in your hand, and vent all of your angry frustration into the coal, it turns into a beautiful diamond worth millions.

Over time, years, decades, you slowly begin to recover your memory, but as soon as it seems you’re just within reach of some answers, you fall ill, and forget everything again. But, marooned in a culture where the epitome of technology is square rigged sailing ships and horse-drawn carriages, how is it that you know about TV, radio, lasers and plasma jet engines. Why isn’t this culture progressing, advancing? And oh yes, why aren’t you aging?

Your most common answer is ‘I don’t know’, and your favourite question is ‘what the frick is going on’? But you will only find out the answers if you can learn to remember. Otherwise you’re going to be stuck on this world for a long, long time.

Welcome to the sixth book of the AIC Jodi Walsh science fiction series.  (2023)

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover                            Paperback                                       
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble

 Unresolved Vortex
A side trip to an unknown star system, just to satisfy Petra's curiosity, ends well enough, but when they leave, they're caught up in a vortex of corrupted space and time. Managing to exit star drive  space at the very last second, Jodi and Petra find themselves marooned, fifty light years away from the nearest star. Decades, possibly centuries away from anywhere, travelling at light sub light speeds.
Beside them is their probable destiny. A conglomeration of six starships, all intermingled across time, space, and multiple continuums. All caught up in an unresolved vortex, a state of being which Petra's FTL theories all say is utterly impossible.
Now they have to solve the impossible riddle, or sooner or later they're going to meet the end of the vortex , an explosion equivalent to a supernova eruption. And no one is likely to survive that.
Welcome to the fifth book of the AIC Jodi Walsh science fiction series.  (2022)

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover                             Paperback                                    
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Fallen Meteor
Freya is an astro-geologist. Her job is to collect samples from the space rocks and other debris which circle the gas giant of her system. But something went awry on her last trip. She's lost chunks of her memory, has gaping holes where she remembers nothing.
Fearing contagion her government wants her captured and quarantined. Her scientific mentors want her cooperation in analyzing the contagion, but that too seems to involve confinement.
She's hearing voices that aren't there, and doing things that make no sense. Impossible things are happening to her. Is she going mad, or is the contagion gradually taking over her mind? She desperately needs answers, but has no one to rely on except herself, and, perhaps, the voice in her head. 
Welcome to the forth book of the AIC Jodi Walsh science fiction series.  (2022)

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover                             Paperback                                       
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Genesis of Meteors
Jodi begins her hunt for the Queens, intent on destroying them. Fate intervenes when the space station she's exploring is destroyed by alien nuclear missiles. Now she's adrift in space and time, hundreds of light years and thousands of years away from help. Badly hurt, her memory near-obliterated, she no longer remembers who she is, let alone what her goal was. And the Queens must still be stopped, before they destroy any more civilizations.
Welcome to the third book of the AIC Jodi Walsh science fiction series.  (2021)

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover                             Paperback                                         
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 A War of Meteors
When an interstellar test flight fails, Jodi finds herself returned to an Earth she doesn’t know, a hundred years in the past. The AICs never landed here, but six Queen rocks of the Swarm are on the outer edge of the system, and heading Earthward. Jodi’s fought the Swarm before and won, but then she had several million other AIC Domers helping her. This time around she’s alone. One woman against the Swarm.
The world below is totally unprepared for what’s coming. With only 600 days till planetfall, Jodi must take the fight out to the Swarm in deep space. Only one problem. This version of the Swarm has weapons and capabilities she’s never encountered before. Capabilities she’s struggling to counter. Struggling and failing, and she soon finds she’s losing the fight. If Jodi can’t stop them in space, the Swarm will land on Earth, and the extinction of the human race will follow.
Welcome to the second book of the AIC Jodi Walsh science fiction series.  (2020)

Available in the following formats:                       Hard Cover                           Paperback                                         
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A Plague of Meteors
A rain of small meteors inundates the earth. A year later, strange glistening white domes appear, scattered randomly across the continents. Who built them and why? A question with no answers, but during that year, two hundred thousand young women have vanished into thin air. Alien invasion? But the domes do nothing. Mass abduction? Perhaps, but many of the women seemed to have actively planned their own disappearance. There are no answers, that is, until a shimmering white wall appears above the domes. Not even nuclear weapons can harm the domes and now answers are more critical than ever before.
Welcome to the first book of the AIC Jodi Walsh science fiction series.  (2018)

Available in the following formats:                    Hard Cover                             Paperback                                      
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Jeanne-Marie DeNord Mysteries - Archeological Fiction Series   (newest to oldest)
 The Book of Enlil: The Sumerian Genesis Story

In 2019, at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown, Jeanne-Marie de Nord, a Canadian translator of ancient scrolls, unearthed a case of Sumerian cuneiform tablets. They are believed to have been excavated from the Library of Ashurbanipal, in the lost city of Nineveh, at some time between 1853 and 1920. Apparently they were discovered, excavated, shipped to the British Museum, stored in the basement and then forgotten.
Jeanne undertakes to translate them and finds they contain the Book of Enlil, and detail the Sumerian Genesis story. Believed written around 5000 BC, they tell a very different tale to the biblical Genesis tale which was written at some time between 900 BC and 600 BC. It's a very different tale of a very different Genesis, one which occurred 13 billion years ago. 
A short story in the Jeanne-Marie DeNord Archeological fiction series.  (2022)
Note: this is a short story. The full length novel is now available, see above The Gospel of Enlil

Available in the following formats:               Paperback                                   
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 The Magdalene Legacy
After barely surviving a replay of the Exodus plagues, Jeanne wanted nothing more to do with ancient scrolls or Magdalena legends.  Too bad, because the Magdalene still has business with Jeanne.
She'd planned on taking a nice relaxing vacation. Instead Jeanne finds herself thrust into a complicated and confusing game of cat and mouse with church fanatics, Second Coming madman and a mysterious Sisterhood. Old friends may be new enemies while some old enemies may just be new friends.
From ritually sacrificed micro-biologists to long lost holy treasures and bloodied swords, Jeanne must find answers. But she may not survive to find those answers, because someone has her in their sights and they're about to pull the trigger.
This is the third Jeanne-Marie deNord suspense / mystery novel. Each book is written as a stand-alone book and can be enjoyed independent of earlier books. However, reading the earlier books provides a more fulfilling experience as background events appear in more detail.
Welcome to the third book of the Jeanne-Marie DeNord Archeological fiction series.  (2018)

Available in the following formats:                         Hard Cover  (NEW)                           Paperback                                     
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Exodus Scrolls
Jeanne thought she was traveling to Egypt to re-translate the hieroglyphs in the tomb of Seti I, circa 1300 BC, but climate change rains out those plans. Instead she finds herself in the middle of an earthquake disaster zone, re-enacting a modern-day version of the Exodus plagues. But this time the tenth plague won't take just the firstborn child. This time around it threatens to become a world wide pandemic of devastating proportions. The only possible salvation seems to lie in the scrolls found in a newly discovered tomb, a tomb with a deadly curse on it. Now Jeanne is in a race to find the answer before the plague kills her and half the world.
This is the second Jeanne-Marie DeNord suspense / mystery novel. Each book is written as a stand-alone book and can be enjoyed independent of earlier books. However, reading the earlier books provides a more fulfilling experience as background events appear in more detail.
Welcome to the second book of the Jeanne-Marie DeNord Archeological fiction series.  (2013)
Read the first chapter on-line here.

Available in the following formats:                      Hard Cover  (NEW)                              Paperback                                  
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Magdalene Scrolls
In 2009, a cache of 1st century manuscripts was discovered in Southern France.  Jeanne-Marie de Nord, the young Canadian translator on the archaeological team, tasked with translating the hundreds of Gnostic and Christian documents, realizes that some of the scrolls are a woman’s personal journal.  The journal records a story that is hauntingly similar yet disturbingly different from what we think we know of the time.  It’s a tale of learning, love, conspiracy and betrayal and raises many questions.
Why were the scrolls buried near Marseille?  Who was this woman of the journal?  What part did she play in the conspiracy to free Israel from Roman oppression?  Why has her tale been suppressed for the last 2,000 years and who has been suppressing it?  As Jeanne translates the scrolls looking for answers, all she finds are more questions. 
She had better find answers soon, or she may lose the chance forever.  Others are closing in on the project, intent on burying the scrolls for another 2,000 years and possibly Jeanne along with them.
Welcome to the first book of the Jeanne-Marie DeNord Archeological fiction series.  (2011)
Read the first chapter on-line here.

Available in the following formats:                             Hard Cover  (NEW)                            Paperback                         
                                                 eBook:               Kindle               Smashwords                 Apple                  Kobo               Barnes&Noble____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How to Carve Soapstone Series  -  Non-fiction
Shaping Stone     Volume OneThe Art of Carving Soapstone  Learn to Carve Soapstone!
This easy to follow guide shows you how to select stone and see the image inside, identifies the tools needed and the professional techniques to use, and shows how to take a block of dusty soapstone and carve it into a beautiful, polished piece of art, worthy of a master sculptor!
Sound interesting?  Well, buy the book, grab a few tools and a chunk of soapstone, and let’s start carving.
Welcome to Book One of the Soapstone Carving Guides.  (2011)

Available in the following formats:                                                    Paperback       
and in Epub eBook format at:         Smashwords Apple Barnes & Noble Kobo____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Shaping Stone    Volume TwoAdvanced Techniques of Soapstone Carving
Volume Two picks up where Volume One ended, guiding you easily and seamlessly into the advanced tools and techniques of soapstone carving. Learn to use power tools safely and effectively. Create your own designs and transfer them onto stone. Learn to use space to enhance the image, carve realistic animals and figures, create and use flats, the art of pin and gluing, incising, embossing, pattern transfer and developing textures.
Welcome to Book Two of the Soapstone Carving Guides.  (2013)

Available in the following formats:                                                    Paperback       
and in Epub eBook format at:         Smashwords Apple Barnes & Noble Kobo____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Stained Glass How-to Guide  -  Non-fiction
 Breaking GlassAn Introduction to  Stained Glass Art and Design
Learn to Create Stained Glass Art!
This easy to follow guide shows you how to select glass, cut it, grind it, fit it and assemble it into a polished piece of art, worthy of a master artist!
Sound interesting?  Well, buy the book, grab a few tools and some stained glass, and let’s start breaking glass.
Welcome to     Breaking GlassAn Introduction to  Stained Glass Art and Design  (2012)

Available in the following formats:                                                    Paperback       
and in Epub eBook format at:         Smashwords Apple Barnes & Noble Kobo____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Self Publishing at Zero Cost Series of Guides  -  Non-fiction
Self Publishing at Zero Cost
The Complete Book (4th Ed.)Completely Updated for 2020 Zero Cost Self-Publishing is here!Buy as a single book - or choose a topic from the series. Learn how to:
  • Format your book manuscript to professional standards using nothing more than your word processor
  • Publish your book using high quality web services, in paperback, or eBook formats, for free!
  • Distribute your book to international book sales sites, at no cost. They handle all sales and deliveries.
  • Collect royalties of 30 - 70% of your cover price.

Let me guide you through publishing your book, in paper & all eBook formats, distribute to Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and more, while you collect royalties. Easily and painlessly.
And do it all for free!
Welcome to the complete Self-Publishing Guide.  (2012, 2013, 2016, 2020, 2023)

Available in Paperback format:                         Amazon US                    Amazon Canada                        Amazon UK               ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Self Publishing at Zero Cost - The Series
Self-Publishing at  Zero Cost is here!
A Series of Topic Specific Books Covering All Aspects of Self Publishing
Don't need the entire story? Buy the book which covers just that part of publishing that you want assistance in. Pick from a series of topic specific books each focusing on one single part of the publishing process.

Click Here for Topic Specific Books from your preferred vendor in your preferred format

Short Stories  -  Fiction
Dark Shepherd
A Short MysteryNote: this is a short story. The full length novel was published April 2022 and is available above.

When her child is hit by a motorcycle rider, Anna is devastated. Now her child lies in a coma, while the rider is unknown and running free. Anna searches for months, and finds nothing. No clues, no hope. Seeking some relief from the misery of a life put on hold, she visits her aunt in the country. There she finds some peace, until she finds the rider. Now she has a chance for justice. But who is this Dark Shepherd, and why does he deny her vengeance? 
This is a short story, introducing Anna and Cassie, and a world of impossibilities and mysteries, destined to become a full length novel.

Available in the following formats:                                                    Paperback       
and in Epub eBook format at:         Amazon    Smashwords Apple Barnes & Noble Kobo____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________